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Library Request Forms: Request Information Literacy

Request an Information Session with a Librarian

For current UNM-Taos Instructors

Please fill in as much of this form as you can.  Thank You.

You are responsible for the accuracy of information submitted on this form. Please feel free to call the library with any questions you may have about this form.

* Please indicate if the class is being offered online.
Time (one and a half hours is needed for complete instruction)
Library Instruction takes 90 minutes and will be held in second half of block schedule.
For example: classes that run from 3-5:30pm will meet from 4-5:30pm.

Type of Instruction
Please describe the assignment your students will be working on during the library instruction session, or explain particular skills you would like the library staff to cover

If so, please encourage students to come prepared with their topic.

How many of your students have already attended a library orientation? (If You Know)

** Librarian will call or e-mail to confirm date of class reservation.