"President Richard Nixon signing H.R. 471 Blue Lake Bill Taos Pueblo American Indian Land Deed,” (NAID 66394205)
This LibGuide was made by Tetsuro Namba (UNM-Taos Library) and Chenoa Velarde (UNM-Taos Cultural Programming).
If you have any comments about this guide, or if you know of any materials that you think should be added, please contact the UNM-Taos Library at unmtlib@unm.edu.
LaDonna Harris (Comanche) moved to Washington D.C. following her husband's election to the U.S. Senate. There, she was approached by the Taos delegation and threw her support behind the project. She used her substantial social network connections in Washington to advocate for the cause. Harris was also the founder of the American for Indian Opportunity organization. She is the first Native woman to run for vice president.