"President Richard Nixon signing H.R. 471 Blue Lake Bill Taos Pueblo American Indian Land Deed,” (NAID 66394205)
This LibGuide was made by Tetsuro Namba (UNM-Taos Library) and Chenoa Velarde (UNM-Taos Cultural Programming).
If you have any comments about this guide, or if you know of any materials that you think should be added, please contact the UNM-Taos Library at unmtlib@unm.edu.
Paul J. Bernal of Taos Pueblo was an instrumental figure in the struggle for the return of Blue Lake. He was born in Taos in 1911 and grew up on the Pueblo, but left Taos to serve in the Navy during World War II. He served as Tribal Secretary, a life-long appointment, and was an important strategist for the Pueblo's campaign in Washington. His fluency in both Tiwa and English proved to be crucial for the struggle as he served as translator for the Taos Pueblo elders and Tribal Council. It was Bernal who translated the words of Juan de Jesus Romero (Taos Pueblo Cacique), Querino Romero (Governor), and Seferino Martinez (Council Member) into English for the congressional hearings.
Photograph by Rick Romancito, found online at "Taos Blue Lake commemorative exhibit opens," The Taos News, Dec 14, 2010.