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UNM-Taos Homepage UNM-Taos Library Homepage

Library: For Faculty and Staff

How Can We Help?

UNM-Taos Library has services and resources for teaching, classroom support, and faculty research. Let us know how we can support you! Call 575-737-6242, email, or stop by the library.

Library Hours

UNM-Taos Library Spring 2025 Semester Hours


8 AM to 6 PM


8 AM to 5 PM

Hours subject to change.

There is a book return drop box for your convenience located at the west entrance of the Pathways building.

Pathways Building; 1157 County Road 110
Ranchos de Taos, NM 87557
Phone: (575) 737-6242

Course Reserves

  • Instructors may provide print materials for student use in the Library (or for limited checkout).  These could include Library or Instructor copies of texts, chapters of the text to copy (to tide students over until they receive materials), or supplemental materials and media.  (DVD, CD and VHS materials can be accessed with Library equipment.)  Contact the Assistant Librarian at or 575-737-3760, or stop by the Library during open hours to fill out the request and to leave materials.
  • Electronic copies of materials may be posted to Canvas (see the Office of Educational Technology for details, and feel free to consult the copyright information included on this page.)

Information Literacy Classes

Instructors may request Information Literacy Instruction for their classes. In these 90 minute sessions, a librarian will guide students through the basic research process and introduce library resources. Sessions can also be tailored for specific assignments.  Please fill out the online form or find a printed form in the library. 

We also offer online resources for information literacy and research tutorials and citation and writing help.

Research Materials

Interlibrary Loan is available free of charge, and is a necessary supplement to the Library collection. The Library tries for a 24-hour turnaround in requesting:  expect 3-10 days for delivery.

Request for Information:  the Library provides a 24-hour turnaround to faculty, staff and students.  We’ll locate sources and/or answer nitty gritty research questions.

In person consultation: This is our favorite thing.  Make an appointment with the Library Director, or drop in and we’ll do our best to assist with your research and classroom needs.

Recommendation for purchase:  faculty are encouraged to examine the Library collection and suggest materials that support UNM Taos course offerings.  Our collection does not necessarily include textbooks, but we do work to provide electronic access.

Worldcat and Research Databases: the online catalog also provides access to ebooks and some journal articles.  It is possible to search for databases by topic.  Can't find what you're looking for? Ask us!

Copyright and Fair Use

Navigating Copyright in the Classroom

Copyright is a complex and constantly changing topic.  Here are some tools and resources to help navigate copyright issues and questions:

UNM Copyright Guide
Basic resource guide for the UNM community regarding copyrights.

Policy E70: Intellectual Property Policy
UNM Faculty handbook section on intellectual property. This policy helps identify what work created by faculty belongs to that faculty member and what what is intellectual property owned by UNM.

Fair Use Evaluator Tool  

ALA’s tool can help make decisions about using copyrighted material.  


Exceptions for Instructors eTool

ALA’s tool can help gather and analyze information about using copyrighted materials in the classroom.


Copyright and Fair Use

Stanford University Libraries’ copyright site has up-to-date copyright case information, FAQ’s on copyright and fair use, charts, tools, resources and more.


Copyright for Libraries and Educators

ALA’s extensive guide on copyright includes tools, resources, articles, books, links, and more.  


FERPA Considerations for Live Interactions, Lecture Capture and Audio/Video Recordings of Course Meetings

From UNM Main Campus's Legal and Compliance.


UNM-Taos Copyright Policy: The TEACH Act: Section 110(2) of the Copyright Act

The Technology, Education and Copyright Harmonization Act (TEACH Act) was enacted in 2002 as an amendment to Section 110(2) of the Copyright Act. It is the policy of UNM-Taos to comply with information contained in this legislation.The Library staff are not experts in copyright; and most answers depend on the material being used, so there is no simple guideline. We are happy to walk you through the information.  (See also Request for Information.) Here are some links regarding the TEACH Act:

TEACH Act Checklist

Guide to the TEACH Act (from the Copyright Clearance Center)

TEACH Act FAQ (from University of Georgia)