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Library: Borrowing Materials & Using the Computer Lab

UNM-Taos Databases

Library Hours

UNM-Taos Library Spring 2025 Semester Hours


8 AM to 6 PM


8 AM to 5 PM

Hours subject to change.

There is a book return drop box for your convenience located at the west entrance of the Pathways building.

Pathways Building; 1157 County Road 110
Ranchos de Taos, NM 87557
Phone: (575) 737-6242

Getting a Library Card

Students, staff and faculty: Your Lobo Card is your library card! Please bring your Lobo Card or other picture ID with you to check out materials.

Community members: To sign up for a card, come to the library with a picture ID and proof of residence (such as: a piece of postmarked mail with your name on it, a rent receipt, utility bill, etc).

You can download the application form below:

Books may be borrowed for two weeks and renewed for an additional two weeks if there are no holds on that item. (Faculty may also use their “faculty extended borrowing privileges” if an item is needed for the duration of the semester.)
Audiovisual materials may be borrowed for one week and renewed for another week if there are no holds on that item.
Magazines may be checked out for three days, except for current issues. Newspapers and reference materials do not circulate.
Five items may be borrowed at one time. 
Use the GRAY OUTDOOR RETURN BOX on the west side of the Pathways building to return books when the library is closed.

Computer Lab

The UNM-Taos Library Computer Lab is equipped with 10 PCs and 2 iMac computers for use by current students, staff and faculty. You may use these computers for completing course work assignments, conducting tutoring sessions, researching on the Internet, searching our many online databases, and accessing e-mail.

Please abide by the UNM–Taos Library Computer-Use Policy when you are using Library computers. The policy is posted in the LRC.
The LRC closes 15 minutes before the library.

There is a multi-function copier/scanner/printer for student use in the LRC. Copies, if you are not doing course-work, or are making more than one copy, are 10 cents per page.

Instructors may schedule class Library Instruction time, or other class instruction time in the computer lab. Instructors, please make arrangements at least one week in advance.

Information Literacy Instruction is also available throughout the semester.

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